Boys, male teens, and men with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) exhibit difficulties in educational settings so commonly that school-related problems are considered to be a central feature of the disorder. For a clinician to diagnose ADHD, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV; American Psychiatric Association, 1994) requires the presence of impairment in school, work, or social functioning, and the vast majority of boys and teens with ADHD exhibit difficulties in school (Hinshaw, 2002). Areas of impairment include difficulties completing work, poor homework compliance, low test grades, and a variety of behavioral difficulties that frequently results in conflicts with teachers and peers. For this reason, the most effective treatment strategies are considered to be multisystemic, usually including three loci of intervention: domestic (individual counseling, parent training, etc.), educational (instructional modifications, classroom behavior management), and medical (use of medications). Home-related interventions were discussed in the preceding chapters, medical approaches are discussed in the last section of this volume, and educational approaches are discussed in this and next chapters.