This chapter examines a number of cases in which social marketing is utilised in which the primary focus of the intervention is the visitor. These include voluntary carbon offsetting, modifications to visitor behaviour, volunteer tourism, the prevention of youth problem gambling and reducing barriers to sun protection. Health has long been a major focal point of social marketing as well as being an individual and community concern in its own right. Much of the focus in health-related social marketing in the tourism context is on risk reduction by visitors, although it should be noted that there are a number of campaign areas, such as those related to sex and drugs, in which the development of marketing campaigns and strategies is substantially influenced by non-health interests. However, nearly all of the case studies in this chapter are affect by the fifth ‘P’ of social marketing – politics – to various degrees. There is also a substantial emphasis on the potential of social marketing to encourage pro-environmental behaviours. This has often been focused on on-site behaviour but more recently has shifted towards encouraging behavioural change before commencing journeys, such as in the case of engaging in carbon offsetting. Table 7.1 relates the case studies to some of the various dimensions of social marketing.