The above statement was uttered by a graduate of Ngruki who had been warned many times of the “evils” of Westerners and their “conspiracy” to destroy Muslims. But his views of them changed after he graduated and met some of them while working as a tour guide. His experience is a good example of how his control beliefs that were implanted at Ngruki were challenged and revised subsequently when he was confronted with a reality that he has hitherto been shielded from. His story reminds us that a cure for and antidote to indoctrination is an educative tradition where we live in an open tradition that thrives on a plurality of beliefs, values and world views. This chapter discusses how indoctrination can be countered and avoided primarily through the creation, sustenance, and propagation of educative traditions. I shall outline how the control beliefs of religious pluralism, strong rationality, and strong autonomy can be introduced in formal, nonformal, and informal education.