Rewind < 1 This is a book of two parts. The previous section articulated the scope and intent of the inquiry, scanning precedent in architecture and kinetic art to locate relevant theory and practice. For Part II, the inquiry shifts to a more active mode. In the following chapters, aspects of the scan through precedent are used to propose a general model for design. An instance of this model is then developed to explore kinetic range through a series of design experiments. The penultimate chapter attempts a classifi cation of the outcomes, as a fi rst pass at refl ecting on the possible extent of this new design space, the aim being to locate the general bounds of form, and articulate a useful set of terms – a nomenclature for designers and critics. To this end, a provisional taxonomy is developed from kinetic art, based on the surface patterning of the sea. As will be revealed, this approach to locating difference is found to be problematic. In the fi nal chapter, a more open set of terms is proposed, through the concept of state change. This fi nal nomenclature embraces the capacity for continuous and qualitative multiplicity – that kinetic pattern can slide from difference by degree to difference in kind.