Use the organisational features of a CD-ROM to find out about the past (contents, hyperlinks, glossary, help box, captions, illustrations, maps, index). Use a word processor for drafting and redrafting questionnaires sent to parents and grandparents about life and times when they were growing up. Identify what has changed and if it is for the better. Compare old and new artefacts on a visualiser to see the details without damaging the items. (If possible, handle them as well.) Use word bank of historical terms to write a factual account about the period studied. Assemble and organise ideas on-screen. Use the edit facilities to sequence events and add appropriate details after feedback from a teacher. Use the IWB, with teacher as scribe, to write stories, poems, plays and factual accounts of the past. Record their accounts of their learning about the past using a tape recorder or digital audio recorder. Discuss ways to develop these ideas. Use arrow-shaped text boxes to explain an order of events, e.g. see Figure 23.6. Use digital video and plastic figures or plasticine models to retell a story from the past in an stop-motion animated film.