This section focuses on TS literature where Luhmann’s SST is considered in application to the study of translation. This is only one of many aspects of “the interface of disciplines” at which translation studies fi nds itself (Duarte, Rosa, and Seruya 2006). A good, if brief, overview of sociological approaches is found in Andrew Chesterman’s paper in Duarte, Rosa, and Seruya (2006, 12-8). Chesterman fi nds sociological aspects in polysystem theory, in translation (and interpreting) historiography, in critical discourse theory and in applications of pragmatic frameworks, in skopos theory, in studies discussing problems of translation quality control, the translation market and language planning issues, etc. Certainly Chesterman’s list is not exhaustive. More then ten years after, one could add intersections of the study of translation with sociology of translation of mass media (Gambier and Gottlieb 2001); studies exploring translation in relation to globalization (Cronin 2003; Bielsa 2005; Bielsa and Hughes 2009), or with postcolonial theories (Bhabha 1994; Robinson 1997; Bassnett and Trivedi 1999; Ashcroft, Griffi ths, and Tiffi n 1999, especially pp. 283-318; Basalamah 2009), or with gender issues and, more specifi cally, with feminism (Flotow 1991; 1997; Simon 1996), or with narrative strategies (Baker 2006); etc.