Religions are characterized by their own distinctive values and priorities. For example, the values of Protestantism and Judaism are often considered to be incompatible. However, it is some of the shared properties of religious experiences-for example, modalities of prayer and meditation-that may best guide expressions of the substance, and of the most creative or constructive aspects, of religious beliefs, rather than their distinctive characteristics. Also, being interested in and committed to religion in general, rather than being committed to a particular religion, may be of more assistance in reaching the heights of fulfillment than being interested in and committed to only one religion. People who are observant in their religious practices share much in common. In fact, believing in only one religion may encourage a rather dangerous development of overly narrow and dogmatic views of the world and others. Ideally, people need to remain open to new possibilities as individuals and as societies if they are to lead rich and rewarding lives (Butterworth, 1969).