In the preceding chapters we have pointed out some of the reactions, reflexes, automatic and volitional responses, that, viewed as an aggregate, are characteristic of every human being. These responses considered in relation to the individual’s general physical qualities are collectively designated as the personality; judged in relation to conventionalized and standardized situations, social customs, and morals they are described as character. * The ensemble suggests both stability and progression, making a man “what he is, or marking him off for all that he is not.” From the very beginning of any study of some one person, a complex, difficult to define, forces itself upon the attention of the examiner; and this apparently indefinable complex we sum up as the personality. The personality expresses a series of relationships—to self, race, and sex. Among the first to develop are those marking the individuality and self, then come those connected with the herd instinct and membership in the group, and finally, and of equal importance, those described under the more or less indefinite name of sexual.