I. Definition of Mind WE have stated that psychology is a study of the processes of mind. But what is the mind? And where is the mind? Mind enables us to think and feel and act. While we are all cognizant of the existence of a mind within us, yet its exact location is a mystery. Mind resides somewhere in and around the physical self. It is certainly more closely associated with the brain than with any other part of the body. Titchener says: "There is no part of mind that we can watch at rest and watch unchanged; thought and feeling are changing, moving, shifting from instant to instant." Mind is forever in a state of flux. Sensations, perceptions, conceptions, memories, judgement, thoughts, feelings, desires, follow in a ceaseless ever-changing cavalcade of mental activity. Mind makes us conscious of the world about us, it makes possible our recognition of our fellows, and the world of animate and inanimate things that comprise our bodily environment. Mind enriches our present experiences with memories of the past. It makes us feel, think and plan, for mind is purposeful. It bestows on each individual the power to act, to exchange ideas, to create ideals, to formulate strength of character. All these are different aspects of our mental and physical experiences. These are the ingredients from which life itself is made, for life is mind. Although we cannot subject the mind to a close examination or analysis in a physical way, as when a surgeon examines a part of the physical body, modern psychology postulates the existence of (I) the conscious and (2) the unconscious mind. Some writers refer to an intermediate or near-conscious state as the subconscious mind.