The distinction between dissociable and participating parts, therefore, would not go any way at all towards suggesting the possibility of monarchical-totalitarian pantheism, that is to say of a Whole that both was and was not a part of itself, totum in toto ac totum in qualihet parte, a part in so far as it was supreme over the rest, not a part just because it was the Whole. There is a sturdy and a lively faith in any pantheist who maintains that he is not a dissociable part of deity, any more than Newton or Demosthenes, Savonarola or Genghis Khan. There is a similar but more austere faith in any pantheist who maintains that the human race or his Nordic tribe, or his church, or some saving fragment of culture that survived the lost continent of Atlantis is not a dissociable part of the Godhead. There is no such faith in the empty assertion that a man or his country both are and are not participating parts of deity.