Value and Existence natural beauty of a lunar rainbow or of hedgerows in springwithout appearing to imply any reference to possible minds. Hence it is not obviously absurd to suggest that everything whatever must be beautiful-or-ugly. Thus if beauty, as some restheticians maintain, applies only to the sensible shows of things, it would be possible to hold (and many realistic philosophers believe) that the beauty that is manifested in sense is an actual property of things, discovered and not produced by sensitive minds. If so, the things would have these properties if there were no minds to notice them; and some philosophers further maintain that everything that exists must have sensible properties. Again the truth of the matter might be that beautyor-ugliness is not confined to sensory shows, and that there may be beauty, say, in a mathematical demonstration or in an act of self-sacrifice. Therefore things that are not sensibilia might still be beautiful-or-ugly. Similarly it might be said that beauty is "significant form", that everything has some form, and so is either ugly if the form is unsignificant or is beautiful if the form is "significant"-whatever that may signify.