Such principles, if they are sound, refer to what is held to be morally appropriate to human nature. They do not require a theistic hypothesis, but they are congruent with theism of an impersonal type, as well as with a personal sort of theism. To the same effect a Cambridge Platonist, Benjamin Whichcote, nlay be quoted: "A proud man", he said, "hath no God: an unpeaceable man hath no neighbour; a distrustful man hath no friend: a discontented man hath not himself." One of the Rabbis wrote: "The reward of a sin is a sin, the reward of a transgression is a transgression" ; and few can forget the teaching of the Gorgias and other dialogues that degradation and corruption, not the tyrant's whip, is the terrible and also the moral sequel of wrongdoing. "The greatest penalty of evil-doing is to grow into the likeness of bad men."