If you are lucky enough to have access to instructional technology staff who can create your every wished-for simulation, beautifully displayed web pages, and videos with high production values, then you may not care much about creating course content beyond the usual text-based materials on your own. But even the most fortunately equipped and staffed institutions may have some limitations as to time that can be expended on just your course. So if the course you are teaching is not already fully supplied with superb multimedia and beautifully crafted modules, you will want to think about how to enhance your courseware through the use of multimedia, additional resources, and tools that add interest and enhance interaction in your class. By the term “courseware” we mean all the software tools, digital materials, and resources used as course materials to deliver an online class. Courseware thus includes both text-based and multimedia-enriched materials. We also include applications and tools that are inseparable from the communication of course content.