St Paul’s festa-known as San Pawl-takes place after months of planning, and comes as a great relief to the Pawlini. Despite the conflicts and disagreements inherent in these preparations, over the forms of ritualisation the festa is to take, San Pawl nevertheless succeeds in its central aim of unifying the Pawlini in collective commemoration of the saint. Pawlini from all over Malta travel in to Valletta, to join in with the euphoric celebrations. It is an opportunity to renew and consolidate friendships and acquaintances. Festa is a family occasion, that brings together women and men, young and old, to celebrate and commemorate. In the case of San Pawl, it is also a national event, that attempts to unify all Maltese. Because it is primarily a Nationalist event, not all Maltese are willing-nor feel able-to participate fully, but those who do are drawn into Valletta to participate in an event that produces a sense of unity-of what Durkheim would have called ‘collective effervescence’ (1966: 241)—in its invocation of collective history and of collective religious tradition.