Neither al-T.abarı-nor Ibn Kathı-r directly connects the story of Muh. ammad’s conception as found in their sı-ra works to their exegesis of Qurʾa-n 6:124, despite the fact that Ibn Kathı-r cites this verse in connection to Umm Qatta-l’s attempt to obtain the light of prophecy from ʿAbd Alla-h and despite the remarkable similarity between part of this verse and the words of Fa-t.ima bt. Murr. Both men do, however, incorporate discussion in their tafsı-r works of God’s direct role in choosing Muh.ammad as His prophet. For al-T.abarı-, the role of God is revealed in relation to a request by the unbelievers for a sign like those performed by Moses or Jesus, and his emphasis is on the power of God to choose His prophet as opposed to the power of man to question that choice. For Ibn Kathı-r, God’s role is revealed in a historical context different from the story of Muh.ammad’s conception; instead, he relates it to that of a much later story in which Abu-Sufya-n appears before the Byzantine emperor, Heraclius, and they discuss Muh.ammad’s lineage and reputation for honesty as part of his claims to prophethood. Thus, while neither author provides a direct connection in their tafsı-r works to the story of Muh.ammad’s conception, each interprets Qurʾa-n 6:124 in such a way as to provide a thematic connection to this event and to impose upon it the unquestionable will of God.