Anthropologists are in the habit of storing up their favourite anecdotes from fieldwork for appropriate occasions. Here is one of mine. One afternoon during the short dry season of 1979, I was engaged in ‘participant observation’ in the Kasigau village of Rukanga, weeding the maize crop under the baking African sun with a group of neighbours. One of my companions paused in his work, spat the dust from his mouth and surveyed the shimmering landscape. After some thought, he said, ‘We heard a few years ago that some Americans were going to the moon. Is this true? Did they really go?’ I assured him that it was true, that I had read about it in the newspapers and seen it on television. He laughed, and those around us joined in the laughter: ‘What was the matter with them?’ he asked, ‘Didn’t they have anything to do here on Earth?’