Ben Johnson, of whom I am next to speak, is another shining Instance of our Superiority over the Ancients, in the Point now in Dispute: He had a thorough Knowledge of human Nature, from its highest to its lowest Gradations, was perfectly well acquainted with the various Combinations of Passions, and the innumerable Blendings of Vice and Virtue, which distinguish one Character from another: But what more eminently exalted him above all comic Writers whatever, was the Art (of all others the most difficult, though not equally glaring to the vulgar Eye with those of an inferior Rank) which he possess’d in the most eminent Degree, of happily marking the different Shades of the same Colour, of distinguishing the Covetous from the Covetous, the Voluptuous from the Voluptuous, &c. As a further Confirmation of this Truth, I shall take the Liberty of quoting Part of a Poem of the inimitable Waller, to our Author; which though the highest Panegyric that Language affords, is strictly and precisely true.