From the anonymous A Comparison Between the Two Stages, with an Examen of The Generous Conqueror; And some Critical Remarks on the Funeral, or Grief Alamode, The False Friend, Tamerlane, and others. In Dialogue (1702). Staring B.Wells argues persuasively in ‘An Eighteenth-Century Attribution’, Journal of English and German Philology (1939), xxxviii, 233-46, that the traditional attribution of the work to Charles Gildon is incorrect. The speakers in the dialogue are Ramble and Sullen, two gentlemen, and Chagrin, ‘a Critick’. At one stage Sullen, telling the story of the rivalry between the two theatres, describes how Rich, the manager of the Drury Lane Theatre, invoked Jonson’s help in competing with Betterton’s Shakespeare revivals at the Lincoln’s Inn Fields Theatre (pp. 43-4).