In the last chapter we assessed two different models of authenticity, namely the inner sense and the productionist models. Our conclusion was that both models fail to deliver an adequate account of authenticity. Authenticity is neither about gaining introspective access to pre-existing inner traits, projects, wishes, nor about the (aesthetic) self-constitution of individuals, often modeled on the production of art. ‘Who I really am’ is not adequately captured in terms of discovery or production but is rather about the (wholehearted) manner in which I relate to my commitments. In other words, who we are is defi ned or constituted by our wholehearted commitments to what we really care about. I have defi ned wholeheartedness as engagement in a ‘project’ that is central to one’s self-understanding, such that betraying it would also mean betraying oneself (centrality). Also, I have said that wholeheartedness involves being committed not only to the project itself, but also to entertaining the desire that fuels our commitment (continuity).