The critical assessment of these two models of authenticity should bring us closer to the overall goal of the next three chapters, namely the construction of a formal account of authenticity. Let us now look at these models while using the famous example of Martin Luther. As is well known, after Luther questioned certain church practices, an offi cial sent by the Archbishop of Trier, named Eck, confronted him, saying that he had no right to teach contrary to the Church or to question its authority. Eck gave Luther a last chance to renounce his teachings and publicly reject their content. Luther resolutely replied: “I cannot and will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe.” Although not entirely documented, Luther continued with the renowned sentences: “Here I stand. I can do no other. God help me. Amen” (Bainton 1950: 142-144). The aftermath of this confrontation was the Edict of Worms, issued by the Emperor on May 25, 1521. It banned his work and declared him a heretic and an outlaw.