The years since 2007 have seen a number of strategic doctrines published in quick succession by Western states and multilateral organizations. The French initiated the sequence when they published their Livre Blanc in June 2008; across the Atlantic, the Department of Defense produced a National Defense Strategy the very same month. Under the rotating French presidency, the EU followed suit by updating its 2003 Security Strategy in December of 2008. In the Spring of the following year, the Obama administration set to work on a new Quadrennial Defense Review and a National Security Strategy which appeared respectively in February and May 2010; while at the same time, the 60th-anniversary NATO summit in Strasbourg tasked the Secretary General of the Alliance with producing a new Strategic Concept, which was released at the subsequent summit in Lisbon in November 2010. Meanwhile, the UK under Prime Minister David Cameron published its own National Security Strategy in October of that year.7