This is the ®nal chapter, but for many their journey of recovery continues ± sometimes over many years. Here, survivors take stock, re¯ect on their experiences and talk about how their lives have changed ± in the way they see the world and their place in it. The journey of recovery is often neither easy nor straightforward. There can be persisting de®cits or disabilities and adjusting to these can be dif®cult (Larner 2005). I hope, however, that the last two chapters show that the journey of recovery can ultimately result in positive changes along the way. This is certainly a view espoused by Trevor Powell:

People often ®nd spiritual meaning and a change in their values after the experience of a brain injury. It slows people down, stops people racing in life and allows more time for thoughtful contemplation. It raises questions about the meaning of life and what is and is not important. It changes people's views of themselves and their own vulnerability and mortality. Greater emphasis is often placed on relationships, real friends and closeness to family members . . . some people say that they have become kinder, their values have changed, they appreciate their life more and have greater tolerance of the vulnerabilities of others.