Holder of the Nicholas Murray Butler Medal of Columbia University (1915), the Sylvester Medal of the Royal Society (1932) and the de Morgan Medal of the London Mathematical Society (1933). Honorary Member of the Reale Accademia dei Lincei. Fellow (1895-1901) and Lecturer (1910-1916) of Trinity College, Cambridge. Herbert Spencer Lecturer at Oxford (1914). Visiting Professor of Philosophy at Harvard University (1914) and at The Chinese Government University of Peking (1920-1921). Tarner Lecturer at Cambridge (1926). Special Lecturer at the London School of Economics and Political Science (1937) and at The University of Oxford (1938). Visiting Professor of Philosophy at the University of Chicago (1938-1939). Professor of Philosophy at the University of California at Los Angeles (1939-1940). Occasional Lecturer at the Universities of Uppsala, Copenhagen, Barcelona, the

Sorbonne, etc., etc.