In his analysis of the production of space, Lefebvre makes a distinction between spatial practice, the representation of spaces and representational spaces (1974: 33; see also the Conclusion to Part II above). These characterise social space or aspects of social space. Interestingly, Lefebvre's choice of example, when he elaborates the relationship between them, is the body:

social practice presupposes the use of the body . . . This is the realm of the perceived (the practical basis of the perception of the outside world, to put it in psychology's terms). As for representations of the body, they derive from accumulated scientific knowledge . . . Bodily lived experience, for its part, may be both highly complex and quite peculiar, because 'culture' intervenes here, with its illusory immediacy, via symbolisms and via the long Judaeo-Christian tradition, certain aspects of which are uncovered by psychoanalysis. The 'heart' as lived is strangely different from the heart as thought and perceived.