Like the earth of a hundred years ago, our mind still has its darkest Africas, its unmapped Borneos and Amazonian basins . . . It is difficult, it is all but impossible, to speak of mental events except in similes drawn from the more familiar universe of material things. / / / have made use of geographical metaphors and zoological metaphors, it is not wantonly, out of a mere addiction to picturesque language. It is because such metaphors express very forcibly the essential otherness of the mind's far continents, the complete autonomy and self-sufficiency of their inhabitants. A man consists of what I may call an Old World of personal consciousness and, beyond a dividing sea, a series of New Worlds - the not too distant Virginias and Carolinas of the personal subconscious . . . the Far West of the collective unconscious . . . and,

across another, vaster ocean, at the antipodes of everyday consciousness, the world of Visionary Experience . . . Some people never consciously discover their antipodes. Others make an occasional landing.