This study begins with travelling continuously on a room diagonal starting with forward steps and then with regular changes of step direction (side right, backward, side left) after each quarter turn. In rneas, 5 to 8 a square floor pattern is produced through forward and backward steps walking toward the four 'walls' of the room. In meas, 9 diagonal steps are taken while facing front; thus travelling on a room diagonal also occurs. Because of the half turn, rneas, 10 again travels into the same room direction, though the step direction is now into the opposite body diagonal. A similar pattern happens in meas. 11 and 12. Finally there is a longer spell of travelling diagonally while facing front, with a brief retracing of steps before moving diagonally backward left to return to the starting point. Many variations in taking the steps can occur - changes in level - low, high, low, for instance - and even or uneven rhythms. Many possibilities exist for accompanying body and arm movements. The one part of the body which should be kept simple is the hips, since they must remain square to make clear the established facing direction and also the step direction for each section.