But before turning to a discussion of the Sicilian expedition itself, and to specific fh, meric narratives, a brief comment on some references to Corcyra in earl ier books .'( (he History . These references are relevant to the following discussion because lNcyra. like Sicily, is given a mythical history in Thucydides, one which has a direct xaring on some of the wartime narratives. Moreover, the island functions as a base :','r the Athenians on their voyage to Sicily (6.32 and 6.42) , in which context the rcierences to its mythical past are very significant. Homeric language and allusion play their part in the initial description of the dispute with Corinth over Epidamnus (1.24lf.).t In this account the hostility between Corinth and Corcyra is linked to the latter's estimation of her own financial and military resources (1.25 .3-4). Corcyra considers herself to have formidable military resources, greater even than Corinth. Her self-confidence in her naval power is then linked to a further claim that the island was formerly occupied by the Phaeacians , whose ' renown (dio, ) was in their ;hips' (1.25.4) . Such a claim is obviously meant to enhance their status as a sea power : seamanship, as it were, is in their blood, and is part of their mythical history. Thus the Corcyreans can argue for a share of the KMos earned by their myth ical ancestors the Phaeacians. and add it to the ir own."