Before Oklahoma became a state, a cu1tural and historical split existed between the westem and e臼tem regions: The west was called Oklahoma Territoηand 也e east was Indian Territory. In the first capital Gu也rie in 1907 white people celebrated statehood: a staged "wedding ceremony" took place in which a 、leek Indian bride, " ac阳ally a white man in drag , w描 joined in union wi由 a white m扭 "groom." This theatric play represented 也e imaginary union of the Indian and OklallOma Territories. A仕ican Americans were not p缸t of 也is sexual and romantic fantasy. They were part of the state' s reality , however, especially in 也e eastem region, the "Indian Territo叮" Considering the number of possible choices where to settle in the West, what made the Creek and Cherokee Nations particu1arly attractive to A仕ican Americans in search for a new home? Why did 由ey choose the Muskogee Nation over the Cherokee Nation, over Kansas, or over 出e Oklahoma Territory?