Cornbleth and Waugh (1993) further call for a certain kind of multicultural policy study, paying more "systematic attention to the politics of policy-in-the-making" in contrasting settings with different dynamics. The term "policy" connotes a concrete object or text, the product or outcome of a process. In this study we offer an alternative perspective grounded in the symbolic interactionist paradigm, in which policy is a process (Hall, 1987, 1992, 1995). From this perspective, policy research is an attempt to capture significant events in a continuous flow of collective activity that begins before and extends past the point at which a policy text (report, legislation) is produced. For example, our case study of a district-level multicultural policy process shows how a racial conflict became the catalyst for district multicultural policy-making. The case "begins" with the conflict and "ends" with the adoption of policy recommendations, but the process began long before the conflict


and continues today, with the implementation of the recommendations.