Sir Charles Grey was sensibly affected in reading his reply to this proof of attention and appreciation of his efforts for the welfare of those over whom he had been appointed to govern. On the morning of the 12th of December 1846 he quitted the Government-house at Pilgrim, and accompanied by his Excellency Governor Reid, the Chief Justice, the Attorney-General and several other gentlemen, drove to the engineer's wharf, where a guard of honour received him. The staff-officer on the cOffilnand, and the Vicar-General with a number of the clergy and officials were here assembled to bid him adieu. After exchanging salutations \vith t.hose present, he stepped into the boat, which conveyed him to the steamer C IIermes ;' and a salute from St. Anne's, which was taken up by her l\lajesty's ship 'Persian,' announced to the inhabitants of Barbados that their late Governor had left their shores.