LORD HOWE met the Council and Assembly at Pilgrim on the 17th of April 1733. In the speech which he delivered, he regretted that the arrangement of his private affairs had taken up a much greater time than he expected, but even during that delay he had endeavoured to make himself useful by representing the many hardships and disadvantages which the trade of the island laboured under, and in soliciting a speedy redress of their grievances. He assured them that several resolutions in their favour had already been agreed to by the Government, and that he had no doubt that effectual relief would follow. Although it had been custoi"nary with former Governors to issue writs for a new election on their arrival, he dispensed with this, observing that he had full confidence in the House as then constituted. The gracious speech of Lord Howe made a powerful impression on the

public Blind, and in the fulness of their hcart they settled on hinl the SUlll of four thou~and pounds stcrling for his support,-a libcrality which, at a tinle '\vhen their sugar sold for only ten or t\velve shillings the hundredweight, \vas rather surprising.