ON 25 OCTOBER the Conservatives won the general election securing a majority of 26 over Labour and 16 overall. Winston Churchill became Prime Minister and appointed Anthony Eden as Foreign Secretary. In his memoirs Eden suggested that he and the Prime Minister rarely disagreed on foreign policy, repeating Winston Churchill’s remark that ‘you could put each of us in a separate room, put any questions of foreign policy to us and nine times out of ten we would give the same answer’.1 Close observers of the relationship did not share this view. Lord Moran, Churchill’s personal doctor, recorded in his diary:

The PM always claims that Anthony and he agree on most things in the field of foreign affairs, though it is not very noticeable; they don’t seem, for instance, to have much in common…in their approach to Americans… Winston has appointed Anthony as his heir…but he still regards him as a young man, and is not much influenced by his views.2