In the previous chapter we provided a detailed analysis of the options which may be available to support HRD learning programmes and other more informal learning activities, along with an analysis of the delivery options available in planning and executing HRD programmes. We have also discussed in earlier chapters other important HRD issues associated with learner characteristics, and with organizational contexts for learning. In this chapter we aim to develop some planning and decision-making tools that will assist HRD practitioners in the identification of the diversities that they may be confronted with in terms of learners, outcomes and contexts. The first model we develop is designed to assist in the identification of the range of design responses that may be available in planning, designing and delivering HRD. The second approach is also designed to identify appropriate resources and knowledge development processes, but also addresses issues of learner control and the development of self-directedness. We then present a third model which attempts to encapsulate the issue of the levels of responsiveness that an instructor or facilitator may provide to individual learners

as the learning proceeds and which accommodates many of relevant aspects of diversity.