When anything is to be manufactured or constructed, whether it be a building, an engineering design, an electronics device or any other form of manufactured artefact, a variety of documents, many in the form of technical drawings, will be needed to convey to those responsible for constructing the design all the information necessary to be able to proceed according to the wishes of the designer. Such sets of drawings may be passed between the people or companies responsible for the construction, enabling all those involved to make adjustments or suggest changes to the design. In some cases there may well be a considerable number of drawings required in such sets of drawings. In AutoCAD 2010 all the drawings from which a design is to be manufactured can be gathered together in a sheet set . This chapter shows how a much reduced sheet set of drawings for the construction of a house at 62 Pheasant Drive can be produced. Some other drawings, particularly detail drawings, would be required in this example, but to save page space the sheet set described here consists of only four drawings with a subset of another four drawings.

1. Construct a template 62 Pheasant Drive.dwt based upon the acadiso. dwt template, but including a border and a title block. Save the template in a Layout1 format. An example of the title block from one of the drawings constructed in this template is shown in Fig. 11.1.