In the past, computer networks were comprised of a single host with multiple terminals used for access. The topology used to connect these terminals to the central host was relatively simple. As computers advanced to enable multiple hosts and distributed services to coexist, connections between terminals and processing hosts changed to better suit the new environment. The connections from terminal to host, host to host and from terminal to terminal (intelligent terminals) are called links. The actual physical media used for links is known as the path. Each terminal and host is known as a node. The most generic network topology classifications are centralized, decentralized and distributed, each will now be detailed (see Figure 8.1). (a) Centralized network; (b) decentralized network; (c) distributed network https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-u.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9781351077101/dc2e9018-094e-4ae7-a1ce-d60f60ae2b1a/content/fig8_1.tif"/>