By now, the reader should realize that there has been a great deal of progress in the science and technology of organic solar cells (Figure 4.1). In particular, the measurements, standardization of methods for testing efficiencies, materials, structure–function relationships, as well as the details of the photo-physics and long-term stability have thoroughly been investigated in a number of promising organic solar materials. Indeed, this is still a critical problem in the sustainability of our world’s energy needs and the development of new ideas for the future. While there has been a great deal of talk regarding the future, it is worthy to note that there has also been new and far reaching ideas about organic solar cells, which are not necessarily the norm of what has been discussed in previous chapters. While the commercialization of current organic solar cell technology seems to be finding ground in some markets around the world, there are some that believe that for the case of organic solar there might be a better approach of seriously digging into the depth of newer technology first, a new technology that might offer a world- and game-changing breakthrough in both efficiency and cost. 1 Newer ideas regarding the construction of devices as well as the particular use of materials have been discussed under this context, and this is the focus of this chapter.