The Discovery Phase is for the team to understand and validate the idea for the project and whether or not it is feasible. It is the initial phase and consists of two sub-phases (stages): the Concept Stage and the Feasibility Stage. Figure 18.1 is an overview of the process sequence for the Discovery Phase, incorporating the main processes. The first part, in the top left corner, is the Concept Stage, which is quite limited in scope and is only deliverable is the project brief (covered in this chapter). The rest of the image is the Feasibility Stage, which is covered in the next chapter. Discovery Phase, process overview. https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-u.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9781315202075/f7930bf6-f834-4429-b71e-290d47de8131/content/fig18_1.tif"/>