Sorting can be accomplished either manually through 100% visual inspections or by mechanical means. The mechanical sorters are culling devices used to remove tablets with dimensions outside of thickness and/or diameter specifications. Most products are usually sorted and then passed through a metal detector prior to being packed for shipping. Although sorters are set up specifically for a certain size product, its performance is not 100% effective. Sorters can damage tablets (scuffing, breaking apart twins, chipping coatings, etc.). There are different types of sorters made by different companies. Thickness-only sorters: e.g., a Pro-Quip 3-Lane sorter and Bohle 3-Lane sorter. These thickness-only sorters are most often used between membrane coating and drilling to remove twins. In addition, there are sorters capable of both thickness and diameter sorting: e.g., Bohle 5-Lane and Eriez sorters. The Bohle 5-Lane and Eriez sorters, which also check for proper diameter, are primarily used between printing and packing. Most of the 100% visual inspections are accomplished on Lakso tables. Following printing/sorting, the tablets are prepared for shipment to clients in bulk. The packing requirements are product specific. SOP contains specific packing instructions for products that do not have packing instructions included in the MF. MF instructions take precedence over those in the SOP. Tablets are normally packed in fiber or steel drums inside two independently sealed poly bags. Strips of bubble pack are placed across the bottom and up the sides and then folded across the tops of the tablet bags in the drums. The excess head space is also filled with a bubble pack to prevent the product from shaking within the drum. Desiccant units to absorb moisture are taped securely to either the inner or outer bag per instructions. The bags and drums are closed using tamper-evident seals.