Reactive distillation is one of the most studied, patented, and applied in the practice reactive separation processes in the industry. Given its wide range of applications in the literature, there is a great variety of information about its modeling and simulation but usually based on the conventional methods of mass and energy balances calculations in theoretical stages together with reaction. However, the complexity of reactive separation processes and the diversity of configurations that can exist as a result of wide possibility of steady states are the reasons why this technology is not totally developed. Many efforts are needed to integrate conventional methods with predicting short cut methods to be more precise and reach those steady states in the practice with higher conversion and selectivity at low costs and environmental impacts. The bases of the design and modeling of the reactive distillation are presented briefly in this chapter but based on the abovementioned the emphasis is made in the analysis of the statics as the best and effective short cut method available today for reactive distillation. The chapter presents the method algorithm and step-by-step development with corresponding explanations. This chapter also presents the uses and applications of reactive distillation. Finally, a case study based on mesityl oxide production is also included in this chapter.