Composite repair scheme application requires a number of fundamental steps. The first is to remove the already identified damage from the parent structure. A fundamental requirement when undertaking a heat-cured repair is the removal of entrapped water and absorbed moisture in the parent composite structure. With any repair process, there is a requirement to undertake some form of surface preparation of both the structure to be repaired and the repair scheme (patch). The repair patch is prepared to the specifications of the repair design. Once the repair scheme is fabricated, it is then installed onto the damaged removed area of the parent composite structure. Finally, the repair scheme is consolidated (cured) in place. These six steps are illustrated in Figure 8.1 Composite repair scheme application steps. https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-u.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9780429198656/5d859bf6-1466-4d97-aa3c-8ae761ff83bb/content/fig8_1_B.tif"/> .