Recent models of agricultural development can be classified into two groups according to the traditions from which they emanate: those with roots in neoclassical theory, associated with scholars such as Johnston, Mellor, Ruttan, Schuh, or Schultz, and those with origins in the tradition of radical political economics, espoused by writers such as Amin, Beckford, deJanvry, Emmanuel and Frank. Within the radical group of theories there exists a major subdivision with respect to agricultural issues: -pure Marxist analysis and dependency theories. Scholars in the Marxist tradition have addressed the role of agriculture in development primarily as it relates to the western and Soviet experience. Lenin, Kautsky, Bukharin, Preobrazhensky and others debated the relative importance and role of agriculture during the industrialization process. The neglect of the Third World ended with the publication of Baran's work (1957), which underlies much of modern neomarxist analysis as well as dependency theories. The dependency theorists primarily focused on Latin America, whereas the nature of Asian agriculture was the theme of scholars such as Avineri (1969) and Melotti (1977).