Borders have received renewed scholarly attention in recent years. This certainly shows that changes brought about by globalization did not eliminate borders, contrary to what many analysts have suggested in the early 1990s (Ohmae 1993; O’Brien 1992). Borders seem to become a privileged place of regulation, as we follow the assessments of intelligence services, police and some politicians. In the scholarly texts, borders and security are increasingly linked together, in an attempt to demystify their social construction (Waever et al. 1993; Huysmans 2000; Anderson 1997; Balibar 2004). These analyses often neglect the economic dimension of borders, perhaps surprisingly since the increasing tightening of borders occurs in large part in regions where economic integration is moving ahead, notably in North America and the European Union. The relationship between the border of economic integration and the border of security needs to be addressed. The argument pursued here will argue that these two analytical logics are linked into what can be called a reterritorialization of economic space, in the context of globalization.