The chapters in this volume might inform and inspire L2 teachers in a way that may result in their participating in a scenario such as the one just described. These chapters, the teaching activities from which they originate, and the activities they may prompt in the future illustrate the fact that technology has become integral to the ways in which L2 professionals teach, create materials, and even the way they conceptualize the profession in the 21st century. As a profession evolving within a world that is decisively supported and interconnected by technology, what are the key competencies its members should have to effectively and critically engage in technologyrelated teaching issues? Faculty in the master of arts program in TESL/applied linguistics at Iowa State University faculty have been considering this issue for at least the past decade, and attempting to address it by developing course content within a curriculum that has as one of its objectives preparation of teachers who are able to use technology in their language teaching. This chapter describes some of the outcomes of deliberations on aspects of applied linguistics and technology that L2 and foreign language teachers need for the 21st century, with particular focus on the needs illustrated by the chapters in this volume.