It is still to early today for in-depth debates about the contents of the report. The first step must be to read it attentively and to digest it. Despite several possible formal incoherencies and insufficiencies which could not be avoided in view of the collective writing of the Commission members, and despite the very short time that was available to us for editing when the research work was finished, the final report is a unit complete within itself, a stretched bow crossing through the entire work, leading to the conclusions in the final chapter. But we must also take into consideration, depending on the topic of discussion, the numerous studies, research contributions and legal opinions in which the material, the sources and the facts we found are presented and interpreted in full detail. They were published in 27 volumes by the Chronos Verlag in Zurich (and will be a decoration for any library with their pretty pastel colors...). Without a doubt, one needs a certain amount of time and patience to work through this labyrinth. It is even too early for me to take final stock of the difficult task - be it objectively i.e. a hierarchy of the important or secondary results, be it subjectively, permitting the following question: How did we, my colleagues and I, experience our mandate or what would we do differently today if we - ce qu a Dieu ne plaise! - were to begin with the same undertaking again?