In February 2009, Irvine, California-based WaterHealth International Inc. (WHI) received a funding of US$15 million from the International Finance Corporation 4 (IFC) to expand its operations in India. With the funding, it was expected that 257more than 600 communities in India would be able to set up WaterHealth Centers 5 (WHCs) with a capacity to serve over 3 million people. On receiving the funding, Tralance Addy (Addy), founder of WHI, said, “In response to the need to address the urgent problem of water-borne diseases, WaterHealth plans to expand rapidly. As we continue to do so as a result of strong demand, our need for capital to help communities finance these systems also increases. We are pleased, particularly in these challenging economic times, that IFC has elected to strengthen its relationship with WHI.” 6