187Urbanisation is a global trend, and since industrialisation intervening in the urban realm has increasingly become a task for landscape architects. In Europe landscape architects have developed a strong reputation as professionals of the urban environment, with projects that range from large scale strategic design to small scale urban open space, from publicly driven policies to community initiated designs, from climate adaptive urban structures to urban performance art. Publication of such projects has generated a body of literature about the contemporary practice of landscape architecture, as evident in the IFLA Europe supported book series Landscape Architecture Europe (Diedrich et al. 2018, 2015, 2012, 2009, 2006). Still, in times of rapid change of ecological, economic and demographic patterns, which means in times of extremely unpredictable urban futures, the skills, work modes, methods and knowledge of today are often outdated tomorrow. Education of “future-proof” landscape architects, therefore, has to acknowledge that teachers need to prepare their students to tackle situations of a future that cannot be fully anticipated today.