The breadth and intensity of the travels of Roman Emperor Hadrian (r. 117–38) brought about imperial patronage and favor influenced by Eastern traditions, culture, and individuals. Hadrian fervently explored the vast territories under Roman ascendancy. It is telling that, when Hadrian became emperor, he was not physically in Rome. As Dio puts it, “At the time that he was declared emperor, Hadrian was in Antioch, metropolis of Syria, of which he was governor.” 1 This speaks to an essential aspect of Hadrian’s character as ruler: his ongoing desire to travel extensively throughout the provinces. Because the journey back from Syria was a long one, Hadrian would not set foot in Rome for nearly a year after becoming emperor. 2 Indeed, his time in Rome would be relatively brief when compared with the itinerary of other emperors. Although it is true that lengthy campaigns against the Dacians had engaged his predecessor Trajan (r. 98–117), Hadrian is credited as the most perambulatory emperor by the author(s) of Historia Augusta, which states that, “Hardly any emperor ever traveled with such speed over so much territory.” 3