I am an artist on the move, going out into the world as far and as often as I can. Although sometimes I do not have a plan, this is not aimless wandering. Every foray builds onto a database of known places. In my case, this is a literal database of the exact latitude, longitude, and elevation that I have been every hour for more than 15 years. This information makes up my Latitude and Longitude Project, which is the core of my practice. The database is vast—it grows by 24 entries a day, 8,760 entries a year. It has too much data to be understood by looking at a sea of digits on a spreadsheet, but the amassed information from this and other databases generates my sculpture. The data leads to works that are not subject to my memory or predispositions. Working with this information reveals the hidden topography of life. The works are landscape sculptures that exist somewhere between reality and fiction.