The adoption of information and communications technology (ICT) among small firms in Italy, including broadband access and Internet connectivity, is increasing; also online purchasing is growing and playing a significant role in companies, but online selling is stagnating (Anee, 2003; Mate, 2001, 2003). Surveys monitoring the adoption, development and impact of e-business in the European economy (European Commission, 2004) and within single European countries (see chapters 1 and 5 in this book, respectively by Gray and Tebbutt) show the same trend. The e-Business Watch (2004) reports that the percentage of companies allowing customers to order and pay online is, in 2003, similar to those of previous years, and in the five more monitored European countries (France, Germany, Spain, United Kingdom and Italy), amounts on average about 9 per cent. In Italy, Mate (2003) reported a percentage of 5.5 of small firms selling online.