There are enormous research literatures on face recognition and on aging and cognition. However, little attention has been paid to the intersection of these two fi elds: adult aging and face recognition. This circumstance is beginning to change because of (a) a growing interest in life-span changes in cognition about socially and emotionally relevant stimuli, which of course includes faces; (b) a concern with applied problems, such as eyewitness identifi cation, that involve older persons and face processing; (c) the large aging populations of the United States and other developed countries, which means that the role of older eyewitnesses in criminal investigations will certainly increase; and (d) an explosion of our knowledge about the aging brain as well as brain structures involved in face processing. All of these factors (and others) are spurring new research on aging and face recognition (see, e.g., Edmonds, Glisky, Bartlett, & Rapcsak. 2011; Goh, Suzuki, & Park, 2010; Lee, Grady, Habak, Wilson, & Moscovitch, 2010; Rhodes & Anastasi, 2013; Wolff, Wiese, & Schweinberger, 2013).